Caltech Launches Caltech Together, Providing Information on COVID-19 Preventative Health Measures and Community Support
Faced with the new realities and challenges regarding how best to teach, learn, and conduct research during the COVID-19 pandemic, Caltech has launched Caltech Together: a risk-prevention and community-support campaign. The campaign aims to communicate public health guidelines that help reduce transmission of COVID-19 and to highlight the widespread resources available to support the physical and mental wellness of the Caltech community during the pandemic.
New signage will greet essential workers, researchers, and visitors arriving on campus. The materials will remind everyone to follow crucial hygiene guidelines and will provide Caltech faculty, staff, and students easy access to the required daily self-reporting application.
Caltech's Coronavirus Information website, the repository for vital information and policy guidance during the pandemic, has been renamed Caltech Together and refreshed to highlight these additional resources. New additions include:
- A summary of recent updates to the site
- Easy-to-use "quick links" for students and parents, and for faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and staff
- A toolkit with downloadable posters, graphics, and slides
- Mental health resources (Coming soon)
Finally, the weekly Ion Caltech and Ion Caltech for Students e-newsletters will feature a dedicated Caltech Together section that will highlight COVID-19-related academic resources and reminders, mental wellness resources, recent policy changes and announcements, relevant webinars and virtual events, tips and support for remote work, and more.
The success of Caltech Together will depend on the cooperation and input of community members from across all parts of the Institute. Please share relevant resources, information, and updates with the Caltech Together team by emailing together_ideas@caltech.edu.