Student Affairs
Caltech Celebrates the Graduates of 2012
Caltech Celebrates the Graduates of 2012
June 15, 2012
Caltech's 118th annual commencement ceremony took place on Friday, June 15, 2012, at Beckman Mall. Technology entrepreneur Elon Musk, founder and chief executive officer of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) and Tesla Motors, and the chairman of SolarCity, presented the keynote address. This year, the Institute awarded 232 bachelor's degrees, 122 master's degrees, and 172 Ph.D. degrees, for a total of 526 graduates.
Notable facts about the undergraduate class of 2012:
- There are 100 women and 132 men
- They come from 37 U.S. states and 16 foreign countries
- 34 students will graduate with two options
- 17 students completed a minor, and two completed a double minor
- One student will earn a dual B.S./M.S.
- 147 students will graduate with honors
For more information about Caltech's 2012 Commencement exercises, visit
Written by
Andrew Allan
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