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Moore Walk Construction on Campus

March 17, 2023

Moore Walk Construction

This spring, work to make Moore Walk continuous across campus will affect campus parking lots and travel routes between the east and west sides of campus. Planned construction will connect West Moore Walk and East Moore Walk to provide a more continuous campus and community-friendly area in between the Chen Neuroscience Research Building, Keck Center, Beckman Auditorium, Moore Lab, and Bechtel Residence.

Latest updates

Parking Lot 11 is currently closed. Starting Monday, March 20 and continuing through June 16, the construction fence around Parking Lot 11 and central Moore Walk will be expanded to block off the south portion of Michigan Avenue on campus. Cars parking in Lot 12 and Lot 10 will still have access to the lots via north Michigan Ave, but access further south or west of Michigan Ave. will be blocked. The black outline in this image shows where the fence will be.

What to expect

For community members and visitors to campus, crossing Moore Walk between the west and east sections of campus will be disrupted. In order to get from West Moore Walk to East Moore Walk, it is recommended to cross through Parking Lot 12, Lot 10, and take the pathway along the side of Bechtel Residence. During the week of March 20, an ADA ramp will be installed west of the construction fence, near the Keck Center.

In accordance with Pasadena city laws, construction may occur between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. through 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Expect noise from demolition, concrete sawing, grading, and other activities.


For community members previously parking in unreserved spots in Lot 11, Parking Structure 1 on Wilson Ave. is the recommended alternative. Parking Structure 4 off Holliston Ave. provides access to the east side of campus.

For visitors to the Beckman Auditorium, ADA and regular parking may be available in Lot 12 and Lot 10, and regular parking is also available in Parking Structure 1 on Wilson Ave.

Future construction may affect parking in Lot 10. Lot 12 will not be affected. Lots 10 and 11 will be reopened after construction is complete.


This is a multi-phase project that will continue up to and potentially after Commencement on June 16, 2023. Project phases include demolition, underground work, grading, curb and gutter construction, asphalt, landscaping, and hardscaping (installation of sidewalk).

To see currently active construction projects on campus, visit the campus map and check the box labeled "active construction."