Announcements of Opportunities for Scholars Affected by the War in Ukraine
To: Caltech Faculty
From: Michelle Effros, Vice Provost
Date: June 9, 2022
As noted in a March 29, 2022 announcement to the Caltech Community, Caltech has initiated a program to help support scholars affected by the war in Ukraine. Non-student scholars such as faculty, researchers, and postdoctoral scholars interested in participating in the program are required to find a Caltech faculty host who is interested in accepting them into their research group, providing oversight, and contributing matching funds to help defray the cost of the activity.
In order to facilitate the matching process between affected scholars and faculty hosts, the Student-Faculty Programs office has created a website through which interested faculty can post available opportunities.
Faculty wishing to post an announcement of opportunity can do so here:
The list of opportunities can be accessed here:
For questions about posting an announcement of opportunity, please contact the Student-Faculty Programs office at