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Share Your Thoughts: CRCI Focus Groups

May 7, 2021

The Committee on Reconstituting On-Campus Instruction (CRCI) is holding a series of student focus groups in May to learn more about our students' academic experience during the pandemic.  We're curious about what you found to be pedagogically and instructionally successful over the past year and what lessons we could apply to future teaching and learning at Caltech.  

You are invited to sign up to participate in a small group conversation over Zoom, with a staff or faculty member facilitator.  Please sign up using the links below:

Tuesday May 11, 2021, 7-8pm PDT:

Wednesday May 12, 10-11am PDT:

Thursday May 13, 2-3pm PDT:

We are offering a $20 gift card to the Red Door as a thank you gift to all participants in the hope that we will see you on campus in September, if not before!