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Support of Asian and Asian American Communities

March 17, 2021

To: The Caltech Community
    Thomas F. Rosenbaum, President
    David A. Tirrell, Provost
Date: March 17, 2021
Re: Support of Asian and Asian American Communities

The rise in incidents of verbal and physical violence against individuals of Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander descent over the period of the coronavirus pandemic has been frightening, underscored in horrific fashion by yesterday's murders in Atlanta. Over the last year, communities across California have been challenged by an alarming increase in hate crimes, with 45 percent of reported anti-Asian incidents occurring within our state. We recognize the damaging effect that these targeted incidents have on the Caltech community as a whole, and on individual members of our community who are forced to carry the additional burden of fear for the safety and wellbeing of loved ones or themselves.

As an academic community, committed to advancing understanding and benefitting society, we stand united in denouncing all acts of violence or racism against our Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander colleagues. We have a responsibility to foster a community where individuals from every background are respected and are valued for who they are and the unique perspectives they bring.

For those who are personally affected by recent events, including this week's violence in Atlanta, we encourage you to connect with colleagues and to avail yourself of campus resources and support services.

Students may connect with professionals in Student Wellness Services; faculty, staff, and postdoctoral scholars have assistance via the Staff and Faculty Consultation Center. The Center for Inclusion and Diversity and Caltech AAPI+ provide programming and affinity spaces for members of the community to gather and to process how these incidents may affect them.

If you witness, experience, or become aware of incidents of racism or discrimination within our community, please report it through Caltech's Equity and Title IX Office.