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Video Available Now! Equity and Inclusion in Educational Programs: One Faculty Member's Perspective - A CPET Seminar by Professor Melany Hunt, Recipient of the 2020 Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching

February 24, 2021

Video Available Now!

Equity and Inclusion in Educational Programs: One Faculty Member's Perspective - CPET Seminar by Professor Melany Hunt, Recipient of the 2020 Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching Center for Teaching, Learning, and Outreach (CTLO)

Each year the Caltech Project for Effective Teaching (CPET) with the Center for Teaching, Learning & Outreach (CTLO) hosts a seminar honoring the winner of the Richard P. Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching. The 2020 recipient, Melany Hunt delivered an engaging talk on; How we consider equity and inclusion in our educational programs? What metrics are being used? Professor Hunt shared her views on equity in education, which motivated her work on Giving Voice, a project she designed to improve the academic and research environment for women in science and engineering ( In addition, Professor Hunt presented publicly available data on graduation rates, enrollment and institutional climate that can be used to measure educational outcomes. Finally, she shared an overview of best practices to support success for all our students.

If you missed being there, or want to enjoy the talk all over again, please find a link to the video here! Equity and Inclusion in Educational Programs: One Faculty Member's Perspective