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Move of Science and Math Library Books from Millikan to SFL

September 18, 2012

The Library staff is currently moving the science and math books from the Millikan Library and consolidating them with the collection in the Sherman Fairchild Library. The ninth floor materials, all the biology books, will be on the 2nd floor of the SFL by the beginning of first term. Collections will continue to be moved to and rearranged in the SFL throughout the academic year with completion planned for June 2013. A more detailed schedule is available upon request. These changes will allow for more flexible use of space on the 7th and 8th floors of Millikan and for the Library on the 9th floor. By June of 2013: 1. All the science and math books will be in the Sherman Fairchild Library 2. Math print journal titles from the 7th floor will also be in the Sherman Fairchild Library along with selected other titles. Most print journals will be retrievable upon request from the Library Annex within a few hours on weekdays. Search the catalog, to verify location. Note: Most journals are now available electronically. Visitors may request a time-limited log-on from library staff at the circulation desks. Naturally, as tens of thousands of books are being moved, it may happen that a particular book or section of books may not be readily available. Please do not hesitate to contact library staff by email,, or at the circulation desks in either Millikan (x6401) or the SFL (x3405) for assistance in locating the material you need. We very much appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time. Sincerely, Kimberly Douglas University Librarian Caltech