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Art Center PAGES Exhibit to Include Caltech Treasures

September 30, 2012

The Caltech Archives and the Einstein Papers Project are contributors to the upcoming show at the Art Center, opening on Friday, October 12. 

Coinciding with Pasadena's Art Night, the Art Center College of Design will open its new exhibit titled PAGES.  The exhibit explores the role of the page in its many manifestations in forming and preserving collective memory.  Entry to the exhibit is free to the public beginning at 6 PM.

Three artifacts will be on loan to the exhibit from the Caltech Archives:  two rare books and one sheet of mathematical calculations on a placemat.   The books are a volume from the historic atlas of cities of the world, Civitates orbis terrarum, printed in Cologne around 1600, and an account of the great Lisbon earthquake of 1755, printed in Germany in the following year.  The page of calculations is by Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize winner in Physics (1965), late Caltech faculty member, and sometime diner at Giannoni's bar in Altadena.

The exhibit will also display art that incorporates material from the papers of Albert Einstein, courtesy of the Albert Einstein Archives in Jerusalem and the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech. They will include manuscripts showing Einstein's lecture notes, his incipient and final formulations of the theory of general relativity from 1912 to 1916, and also his high school certificate.

PAGES is curated by Stephen Nowlin and John David O'Brien and will be mounted in the Alyce de Roulet Williamson Gallery at the Art Center Hillside Campus, 1700 Lida Street, Pasadena.

A flyer with details on the exhibit's location, hours, and contributors is accessible online: