Submit Your Artwork for Display in Chandler/Red Door/Broad Cafe!
The GSC Arts Committee is pleased to announce the first-ever all-campus Art Competition! A panel of judges will select their favorite pieces from among the submissions, and the (numerous) winners will be displayed at Chandler, Red Door, and Broad Cafe! The competition will recur each term, so pieces will be on display until the next competition in Winter term.
What: Art Competition (it can be new art, something you made three years ago, science-themed, purely artistic -- see below for submission guidelines)
When: Submissions will be open from October 24-31, and announced in a follow-up email. If you miss this deadline, submit to the Winter Art Competition
Why: Display your handiwork at your favorite (or at least most-visited) coffee shop / lunch spot!
Who: Anyone in the Caltech community (faculty, undergrads, grads, postdocs, staff, alumni, etc)!
Submission Process
- Compose a message via
- Email:
- Twitter: @CaltechArt
- Instagram: @CaltechArt
- Include
- Photograph of the art
- Fun title (if you want)
- Dimensions of the work
- Your Caltech affiliation
- If posting on Twitter/Instagram please give an email address (this can be sent privately via DM or email, as can the dimensions/affiliation if you prefer)
- Deadline: October 31 (If you miss this deadline, submit to the Winter Art Competition.)
- Winners will be displayed from early November until mid-February.
Submission Guidelines
- LARGE WORKS STRONGLY PREFERRED (anything that can be seen across the dining hall is great).
- Must be appropriate for display at Caltech (left up to judges' sole discretion).
- Can be any subject matter you can think of (science, portraits, landscapes, abstract, etc), but we are especially interested in non-scientific subjects since there are already scientific art competitions.
- We encourage you to create new art for this competition, but if you have something amazing that you made last year that you want people to see, then that's totally great as well!
- Must be hangable on a wall. (Unfortunately we have not yet figured out a way to display sculptures, ceramics, giant robots, etc., but if you want to help us set up a way to do that, please get in touch!)
- You get your work back at the end of the display period, which will be about midterms of the following term (~12 weeks), at which point the next contest winners will be displayed.
- Anyone in the Caltech community can submit works (faculty, undergrads, grads, postdocs, staff, alumni, administration, etc). Unfortunately the contest is currently not open to non-Caltech spouses/partners/friends/etc.
Please contact with any questions.