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Mocktail Carnival - Pizza, Games, Mocktails, and Fun!

Thursday, April 4, 2024
11:30am to 1:30pm
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Time travel to your childhood to enjoy some carnival games and mocktails! Come learn about healthy drinking habits while having fun with your friends. Enjoy your own mocktail, grab some free pizza, play some games, win some prizes, and take a short break from your studies!

Free Games, Prizes, Pizza, and Mocktails!
11:30am - 1:30pm, Thursday, April 4th, Hameetman Center Lawn
Sponsored by Student Wellness Services, Office of Student Experience, and Undergraduate Dean's Office

For more information, please contact Nari Shin by phone at 626-395-8331 or by email at or visit this page for more information on Alcohol and Other Drugs.