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Mastering Mentoring - Planning to be an Effective Lab Mentor

Tuesday, March 18, 2025
3:00pm to 4:30pm
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Mastering Mentoring - Planning to be an Effective Lab Mentor 
Jasmine Bryant
, CTLO Director
Melissa Dabiri, CTLO Assoc. Director 

This workshop will help you plan a successful mentoring experience as well as give you tools for motivating your mentee. We will discuss Backward design mentorship, a process where mentors design learning experiences by starting with the desired outcomes and working backward to create the necessary steps for mentees to achieve those goals. We will also overview the research in educational psychology on evidence-based methods to intrinsically motivate your mentee, and then equip you with some practical strategies to implement with them. 


For more information, please contact CTLO by email at