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Caltech Library Workshop – Deep Learning 3: The Neural Network Training Process

Friday, May 3, 2024
12:00pm to 1:30pm
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Caltech Library is offering an introductory sequence of workshops on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing. These workshops are designed for researchers in all areas with an interest in machine learning and language processing. 

The workshops are designed to be "hands on" and require some familiarity with basic Python programming and the Unix Shell, such as that provided through the Library's introductory workshops. Although concepts and skills are cumulative through the sequence of workshops, the workshops will be as free-standing as possible. The Deep Learning sequence will be the most inter-dependent. Recordings of workshops will be made available to registered participants.

Workshops will be online, on selected Tuesdays and Fridays at noon. There is one registration for all seven workshops. The Zoom link for all workshops will be included in the registration confirmation.

Part Two: Introduction to Deep Learning

Workshops 2-5 cover deep learning and neural networks using the Python Keras package and TensorFlow. Topics covered will include the model building, training, optimization and performance measures, and the two principal types of neural network: convolutional and recurrent.

Friday, May 3, 2024: Deep Learning 3: The Neural Network Training Process

    • Topics: regression, optimization, monitoring, performance, fitting
For more information, please contact Stephen Davison by email at or visit