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'A Taste of Teaching' Thursdays

Join us this winter quarter for a series of mini-workshops on evidence-proven teaching strategies. This series consists of 4 mini-workshops, held every other Thursday through the winter term. ‘A Taste of Teaching' provides a sampling of effective teaching principles and strategies, culminating in a Teaching Statement workshop where attendees can implement their learning into a polished teaching philosophy. 
***Please note the location of each session***

You choose: Attend one or both of the remaining in this series! 

Thursday, February 23: Creating an Inclusive Classroom
Location: Brennen Conference Room / Center for Student Services 3rd. Fl. North
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Thursday, March 9:
Teaching Statement Workshop  
Location: Moore Laboratory Building - Room B280 (Sub-Basement)
Time: noon – 2pm - ***Please note this session is 2-hrs***

RSVP here.