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Science of Benefits - The New Realities of Life Transitions & Well-Being

March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014
1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
RAMO Auditorium
The New Realities of Life Transitions & Well-Being

A Special Presentation by Joe Coughlin, Director of MIT's AgeLab

Your Retirement Paradigm is About to Shift

As part of the Science of Benefits series, Joe Coughlin, Director of MIT's AgeLab, is coming to Caltech for a special speaker event: The New Realities of Life Transitions & Well-Being.

Named by the Wall Street Journal as one of the "12 pioneers inventing the future of retirement," Coughlin will share his insights about the future and aging. He'll explain how evolving social norms are changing the way we engage with our finances — and what to do about it to ensure optimal well-being across our lifespan.

Come hear this distinguished and engaging speaker, and learn how we will all live, work and play tomorrow.

No RSVP is needed. For details, visit