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TeachWeek Open Class and Discussion with Ali Hajimiri: Teaching with Passion, Dedication, and Thoughtfulness

Tuesday, October 15, 2019
10:00am to 12:00pm
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Open Class and Discussion with Ali Hajimiri, Bren Professor of Electrical Engineering and Medical Engineering; Recipient of the 2019 Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching
Open class 10 - 10:50 am

Discussion 11:00 - noon


Ali Hajimiri's students have long treasured his unique way of teaching challenging courses, like Electrical Engineering 44: Circuits and Systems. More than rigorous, Hajimiri's courses inform students about both the subject and about life: one student commented, for example, that "Prof. Hajimiri fundamentally changed how I work and learn. EE 44 expanded my notion of how productive I could be, and I've carried that lesson with me well beyond the course."

Hajimiri explains his approach this way: "Most students are willing to work very hard and dedicate substantial time and energy to learning if they know that what they are doing is worthwhile. That is why it is so important for them to know why a certain seemingly obscure mathematical concept or a physical phenomenon matters and where it fits in the grand scheme of things. Once they see it in the context, they understand why they need to put the effort in and appreciate it."

Prof. Hajimiri welcomes members of the Caltech community to come sit in on the second half of his EE 44 class and observe first-hand. Seats will be limited and the open class will be followed by a discussion.

For more information, please phone 626-395-8427 or email or visit the TeachWeek Website..